Craft Beer

Tesco upping their game again, Northern Monk Faith, Evil Twin More or Less on the 8 cans for £9 amongst others, new cans in the £3 range as well. Peanut butter jelly porter amongst them 😎
Upping their game whilst simultaneously killing independent shops, shame really but that’s the Tesco MO.
That’s their brewery boycotted. They can stick their jakehead up their fat arses.
I’d boycoutt them but I love jakehead!
Burn it now. Take it off first if necessary.
I’ve got a couple of cases of cans coming next week as well, forgot all about that. No Jakehead thankfully.
I’ll set fire to the t-shirt and hoodie and I’ll smash the branded glasses I have as well. Sadly I’ve always had a rather big soft spot for Wylam beers.
