Muslim Prayer Call

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I've no idea, mate. The Burmese think nothing of making bothersome noise, like. The nearby Buddhist temple recently played the entire teachings of Buddha in one go. It went on unbroken for six days.
Even Rick Wakeman would think that was a bit excessive!
In Qatar the mosque was out the back of the villa complex, so first thing at the crack of dawn, although i was just getting up to go to work, was like an alarm call back up. Also can hear the one where I'm now in Mukah in Borneo, although it's faint as I'm on the rear side of the house. Vietnam was the worst for noise, played all sorts of shit on the town/village loudspeaker systems, at any time, and at differing volumes.
Found it handy for time keeping in my 5 x 5 cell

It sounds very evocative in places like Egypt, seems appropriate to the desert location etc. Less appropriate in the UK though and pretty intrusive into our traditional environment and ambience. It seems odd to me that it is allowed. If I blared religious chants out of my bedroom at 1000 watts of power every morning and evening I'd quickly be hauled off.
never heard one ever
No but i remember being in Turkey on holiday and hearing the fuckers over the tannoys at 5am signalling the start of Ramadan for the day.
f***ing inconsiderate bastards.
sorry if seb but they play it in london 5 times a day.

also in turkey, best alarm clock going. far better than them bastard bells they play every bloody sunday
Anyone else been unfortunate enough to live in an area where this intrusive nuisance affects you adversely? Wakes me up every morning and drowns out everything else twice each evening. No idea why it has to go on for so long. So, so irritating.
I assume you get used to it after a while. I grew up with a shipyard at the end of my street and slept through the constant noise from there. When the yards closed I couldn't sleep because it was so quiet.
Doesn't help you now but it's pissing down with rain and freezing cold here so I think you deserve it.;)
I don't mind it, now it's just a part of life and I sing along but it does annoy me when I hear it in the U.K.
There is one next to a boy's school where I live and one day the young lads got in to the mosque and took over Mic which was quite funny.
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