OnePlus 6

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Well me Samsung Galaxy S4 has finally gone to the knacker's yard after five years of faithful service.

Bought the latest OnePlus and waiting for it to arrive.

Anyone got one?


Fancied one since the OnePlus 3 but the price has gone up with each model and I'm pretty much bargain basement handsets nowadays. Looks like a great phone though.
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It'll be very good. Not sure I'd pay around £500 for a handset these days though.
I had a OnePlus 3, and moved to an Honor 9 the other month, cost about £220 and I'm completely happy with it.
Got the Mirror Black 128gb on order due to be delivered tomorrow :D
Replacing my oneplus 2
Had a Oneplus One and have a 5T now - both have been excellent. Dash charge is awesome.
Had a Oneplus One and have a 5T now - both have been excellent. Dash charge is awesome.
Dash charge is awesome, but its a total pain in the arse when you have other phones in the house, as its not really compatible (1A standard charge only).
Moved to Honor thinking they used the standard Qualcom version of fast charge, but no, they have their own one too.

Its f***ing stupid, at least 4 different "fast charge" technologies out there, and non work with eachother.
Got the OnePlus 6. It's extremely fast, works a dream. As mentioned the charge time is brilliant and I get a full days use out of the battery with fairly heavy use. Camera is nice too. My only issue with it is the physical size. It's on the large side for me

Overall very happy with it though
How are these compared to Galaxy 8s? Considering buying a handset and switching to sim only but don't want to be lumped with something inferior
I don't think I'd go back to Apple now unless their prices dropped dramatically. You just get so much more bang for your buck with android. Switched last year to the Pixel 2 and it's absolutely class. Me brother has a OnePlus and it looks great too.
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