Housework and modern man

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Gosforth Mackem

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I think it's fair to say that we have stepped up to the mark concerning housework. So what do you do to help the other half keep a spick and span abode?

Personally i do 90% of the washing up, all of the hoovering, all the ironing and cook half the meals :)

Im actually thinking she now does fuck all the lazy cow !!

60% of the cooking, 99% DIY, 80% ironing, 50% of cleaning/hoovering, 80% of cleaning bathroomd & toilets, 60% gardening. 50% of looking after kids while they were gowing up including nappies etc. 95% taxiing.

Nothing a proper bloke/father wouldn't do tbh.
I cook, cut grass (and general DIY) & clean bathrooms.
She does all washing & vacuuming

Oh and i have get rid of creepy crawlies
100% cooking, washing and ironing, also a lot of hoovering etc. Cut the lawn and wash up.... call me jeeves! However she works full time, me just 3 days.
Hoovering, DIY, Window Cleaning & Grass Cutting.

I can't stand cooking or general cleaning so just as well she doesn't mind those jobs or i'd be living off takeaways/microwave meals and living like a slob.
I don’t live with my lass so all of it.

In fact, I find myself getting angry if she decides to tidy anything in my house when she’s round in case I can’t ‘find things later’.
I think the reason I do so much in our house is that I don't really trust anyone to do as good a job as me.
She does cook 3 evening meals a week, but thats all the joint stuff. I boil my own eggs an stuff.
I do the hoovering once a fortnight, whether its needed or not.
She does the washing and ironing.
We share all the small stuff, beds/shops/bins/dishwasher and dishes.
I clean and do all minor repairs to the bikes and mucky bike shoes.
I reckon on the whole, she does more, maybe 60/40.

Edit. I do all the repair work and shit jobs like upstairs windows.
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