Yet another rampage shooting in good ol’ USA

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Naked man shoots eight kills four at Waffle House in Tennessee

Suspect still at large.

Although it looks to be a bit nippy out there, so maybe not so large.

What can you do, people have guns, this white mentally-ill person clearly snapped and acted alone, should have had metal detectors and the victims should have armed themselves / these leftist antifa scum have gone too far, this black attacker is a threat to us all and proves Trump was right / should have built a wall to keep this Hispanic psycho out / TERROR ATTACK! TERROR ATTACK! MUSLIM BAN NOW!

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the protests after the florida shooting seem to have died down without anything changing, as usual

I think that if Sandy Hook or Vegas didn’t change things then nothing will. The worse of the pro gun lot think mass shootings are just a government conspiracy and the rest think it’s a price worth paying to have easy access to military standard weaponry.
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