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just got my yearly coldsore, there's literally nothing worse is there. A minging herpes spot festers and grows on your f***ing lip for anything up to 2 weeks and then starts bleeding all over and scabbing over taking ages to heal. Will no doubt be bleeding on my Christmas dinner now.

just got my yearly coldsore, there's literally nothing worse is there. A minging herpes spot festers and grows on your f***ing lip for anything up to 2 weeks and then starts bleeding all over and scabbing over taking ages to heal. Will no doubt be bleeding on my Christmas dinner now.
Get L-Lysine tablets. My son used to get cold sores every other month, these seem to have cleared them up.
I've never had one (touch wood). Are some people just prone to them, or do they catch them from a 'carrier'?

I think I've been born with the virus as I've gotten them as long as I can remember. But I think certain things make the sores appear such as contact with unclean cups, kissing dirty people, and stress. I don't really kiss dirty people anymore and im always stressed so must have been that cup of tea I had at work yesterday.
Use Zovirax or equivalent for a couple of days then smother in Blistex. It will be gone in about a week with no bleeding. I've got it off to a fine art.

I've put some cream on it already, hoping I've caught it early enough that it doesn't fill up and burst all over
I get 2 or 3 a year so always carry 3 or 4 tubes of Zovirax in different places I'm often around (car, coats, bags etc). If you catch them when the tingling starts, they're generally fine.
It's when the fuckers appear during the night that I hate. End up the same as you...minging spots and then scabbing and bleeding for days on end. I'm currently at the last stage with this one.

Apparently, 90% of the world are carriers of the virus (HSV-1) :-O
Bloody nightmare.

The virus literally knows when you're tired, run down, stressed etc and goes for a wander.
That's literally what the tingle feeling is, the virus moving from the nerve into the skin.

Surely we should have a cure for this by now
Bloody nightmare.

The virus literally knows when you're tired, run down, stressed etc and goes for a wander.
That's literally what the tingle feeling is, the virus moving from the nerve into the skin.

Surely we should have a cure for this by now
Get L-Lysine tablets.
just got my yearly coldsore, there's literally nothing worse is there. A minging herpes spot festers and grows on your f***ing lip for anything up to 2 weeks and then starts bleeding all over and scabbing over taking ages to heal. Will no doubt be bleeding on my Christmas dinner now.

Happy Christmas, mouth AIDS, the worst kind RIP
Seriously... once it has started to scab, usually after about 2 days for me, just cover it in Blistex: it won't bleed and after a week you can more or less just wipe/shave it off.
I've never had one (touch wood). Are some people just prone to them, or do they catch them from a 'carrier'?

You have to be infected with the herpes simplex virus for a start. Some people are never infected, whilst those who are infected, often from parents or relatives when they're younger, and get cold-sores. Equally there are people who are infected but are asymptomatic.

Both my parents suffer with them, yet I've never had one.
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