Best thing you buy out of the supermarket freezer

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Definitely. Sweetcorn's the toal opposite though.
I have to agree. Why is it though that even if you don't buy the stuff do you always find a few sweet corn kernels in the bottom of your freezer drawers when you clean the freezer out? :eek:
A bag of frozen edamame beans from Tesco. I hoy them in all sorts from pastas to stir fry. Gives veggie meals a protein boost.
I love hamwiches as a comfort food, the missus doesn't half judge me for them though :lol::oops:

I share her position , wilfy loves a hamwich samwich

For me my favourites are :

Good icecream not that pretendy shite stuff
Ice lollies
Usually have a bag of home fries for can’t be arsed teas
Frozen Herbs
Frozen Garlic bulbs
Farmfoods half crispy duck and pancakes
Frozen fruit tubs
Bags of ice , yeah it’s ‘free’ from tap but for a quid my time is better spent doing other stuff than constantly filling ice cube trays

Rest of space usually full of batch cooked meals or base gravy

Another vote for peas. The frozen corn, spinach and various beans are good to have in too. Raw king prawns are also good when they're in stock.

Oh yes missed king prawns off my list
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