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The difficulty of the main game isn't to bad at all, quite challenging but not too hard (like Demons/Dark souls).
Those f***ing Chalice Dungeons on the other hand are f***ing mental, still great fun but rock f***ing hard. :D
Anyone know if you can use the Beckoning Bell/Resonant Bell in them ? , as they would be much much easier with 2 or 3 people , never thought about trying them until just now :)

Edit ......... Just checked , you can use the bells in the Chalice Dungeons. that will make things much easier :)

The difficulty of the main game isn't to bad at all, quite challenging but not too hard (like Demons/Dark souls).
Those f***ing Chalice Dungeons on the other hand are f***ing mental, still great fun but rock f***ing hard. :D
Anyone know if you can use the Beckoning Bell/Resonant Bell in them ? , as they would be much much easier with 2 or 3 people , never thought about trying them until just now :)

Edit ......... Just checked , you can use the bells in the Chalice Dungeons. that will make things much easier :)

For those wondering how you get the bells.........
You get the Beckoning Bell after beating the first boss , this enables you to summon other players into your game to help you

To get the Resonant bell , you must have 10 insight then go to hunters dream and a new messenger will appear in a small fountain just outside the middle door of the building, talk to the messenger and you can buy the Resonant Bell for 1 insight, this enables you to be summoned into other players worlds to help them
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Youre not supposed to lol , you die and go to the hunters dream , there , on the stairs you get your weapons , equip them and your good to go

Depending on which character you chose , be sure to choose the weapon that matchws up to him , for example the Cane gets boosted from the skill attribute , so I chose the Professional as he starts with 15 skill , if you want to use the axe , choose the warrior as he starts with high strength.
Once you start levelling keep putting plenty of points into you stat that corresponds to you chosen weapon, Vitality and Endurance are also important to level.
The hardest part of the game is getting to the first boss, as you cant start eveling up until you face him (you dont have to kill him) then youl probably die , but when you go to hunters dream you can start leveling up by talking to the (now awake) doll
Hope this helps :)
cheers;),i need to have a couple of hours on this to get used to it.
i got the weapons,but for some reason i can't use them...?only had game on for 20 minutes,so i'm not too sure what i'm doing on it yet ha ha
cheers;),i need to have a couple of hours on this to get used to it.
i got the weapons,but for some reason i can't use them...?only had game on for 20 minutes,so i'm not too sure what i'm doing on it yet ha ha
you need to equip them in your inventory
Just completed this in about two hours on New Game+ :lol:
Dex, again now that you've finished it, as a complete beginner to the series, how badly will I get my arse handed to me? Just finished Wolfenstein and need a fix till I go back to work next week...
Dex, again now that you've finished it, as a complete beginner to the series, how badly will I get my arse handed to me? Just finished Wolfenstein and need a fix till I go back to work next week...
It's hard to say for someone new to the series. I've played Dark Souls 1 and 2 within the last couple of years so I knew most of the mechanics before I even started the game; the one thing I'll say is that the hardest part of the game is definitely the first few hours, get past that and you'll be flying. Even now, one of the hardest bosses for me is the first non-optional boss fight.

I'd say you'd struggle at first without doubt, just depends if you would be prepared to stick with it I guess.
It's hard to say for someone new to the series. I've played Dark Souls 1 and 2 within the last couple of years so I knew most of the mechanics before I even started the game; the one thing I'll say is that the hardest part of the game is definitely the first few hours, get past that and you'll be flying. Even now, one of the hardest bosses for me is the first non-optional boss fight.

I'd say you'd struggle at first without doubt, just depends if you would be prepared to stick with it I guess.
Agree with this , getting to the first boss is a bit of a pain but once you start leveling it's not to bad really, Difficulty is comparable to DKS and DES .
I imagine if you havent played at least one of the earlier games you might be a bit overawed , but just take your time , and never ever rush in , esecially if you're carrying a load of blood echoes lol.
Its an absolutely fantastic game , easily GOTY imo
It's about as hard as an old school Megadrive game.
I came from an era of games like ESWAT and Contra and Super Ghouls and Ghosts. Replaying those these days make me wonder how I was ever able to do them as a kid! :lol: Games hold your hand too much the majority of the time now like.
It's about as hard as an old school Megadrive game.

I came from an era of games like ESWAT and Contra and Super Ghouls and Ghosts. Replaying those these days make me wonder how I was ever able to do them as a kid! :lol: Games hold your hand too much the majority of the time now like.
I was trying to think of Ghouls and Ghosts as an example! I played that in an arcade called the HOG in London and could barely last 5 minutes! No checkpoints or saves from what I could tell!
This could be the best game i've ever played in my 42 years on this earth , it's that good.
Better than Demons,Dark souls imo and I f***ing love those two games
I actually feel sorry for people who give up before they get to level up :)
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One trophy away from getting the platinum on this, and part of it involves going through a chalice dungeon at half health ffs :lol:

Turned it off after an half an hour of getting pretty much one-shotted from the first boss.
I took the plunge. I don't mind dying all the time, the load times are the real killer. Shocking that they take so long on a game where dying is a regular occurrence...

Decided it is not for me in the end. Unlocked the level up doll and spent hours grinding but still get killed in a few hits. I'm having issues with the lock on, my attacks missing from point blank range and I get killed before I can even suss an enemy's attack pattern. Thought it might be a bit much for me and turns out it is. Good job I can get a full refund off my mate!

Not to detract away from how utterly awful I am at the game mind, but there are a number of technical issues I encountered in the game that seem to have been overlooked in the reviews including questionable hit detection, getting stuck in environments repeatedly and an overall poor camera, especially when you fight large enemies.
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