World Mental Health day

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Tomorrow. Be that extra bit nice and understanding folks, small step but nobody knows what is going on in someone's head.

Had recent experience of having suicidal thoughts that seemed to come from nowhere. 4 months on the happy pills and some counselling have done wonders. If there is a quiet or withdrawn colleague at your work, just spend couple minutes chatting to them, could make world of difference.

I had reason to visit an American secure mental health facility over the weekend. It was an absolute disgrace. The UK may not have it perfect, and we have a lot to improve, but I think we know roughly what the right direction is. Most nations on this planet simply do not care about the mentally ill.
There is still a long way to go but the stigma surrounding mental health problems has definitely decreased in recent years. There is so much more awareness which is great, but access to support services is still a big issue.

I remember getting diagnosed with post-natal depression and feeling utterly ashamed and helpless and only told close friends and family. Fast forward a year, I was on the road to recovery after counselling and medication so I let my secret out to others and the support I received was incredible. Made me wish I'd spoke up sooner. Ended up making new friends through it all too.

The saying "Don't suffer in silence" could not be more true.
I hate to pour a damper on it but I hate days like this it only reminds me how shit it is when you need people. You see their social media’s full of ‘look out for people’ and when you’ve had your dark times they’ve turned their back on you.
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