What has been going on here then?

Something about unauthorised visitors, the mind boggles.
Hopefully that's all it is, although still bad. I was thinking surely they ain't been mixing the bodies up. Imagine finding out ya ma who is supposed to be in a hole in the ground got cremated and the body in the ground is someone else. Doesn't bear thinking about really.
Care of deceased suggests not being suitably respectful, perhaps not adhering to cultural norms or not following correct processes to preserve the bodies. Hopefully nothing even more hideous.
Care of deceased suggests not being suitably respectful, perhaps not adhering to cultural norms or not following correct processes to preserve the bodies. Hopefully nothing even more hideous.

Is that a crime though? There was a case recently up here where a body wasnt emblalmed correctly.

I don’t know, probably is somewhere along the line but might be difficult to charge anyone.
In this case it was the embalmers fault and as the article reads. They concluded that she had failed to correctly assess the level of clinical embalming care required and suspended her for 12 months. Still if it was my mam that it happened to and I struggled to stop thinking about it the last place I'd go would be Facebook and the papers
