Tyne Tunnel price increase

I wouldn't mind so much if the sodding queues didn't start at Testos every morning.

During rush hours they want to stop traffic joining at Wallsend and Jarrow.
Those two junctions cause all of the queues.
I think a sensible trial would be that the right hand lane of the A19 is only for using the tunnel, starting 2 miles back so plenty time to get in lane. Have it coned off. The left hand lane is for those needing to exit/enter the A19 in that 2 miles
From their email

The Tyne Tunnels are an integral piece of the North East’s road network and are privately operated and maintained roads. The operation and construction costs of the tunnels are solely funded by tolls, not council tax, and the toll change, applied under the terms of the River Tyne (Tunnels) Order, is necessary to cover the running and maintenance costs of the tunnels, and repay the costs of the construction of the second Tyne Tunnel, in-line with inflation.
From their email

The Tyne Tunnels are an integral piece of the North East’s road network and are privately operated and maintained roads. The operation and construction costs of the tunnels are solely funded by tolls, not council tax, and the toll change, applied under the terms of the River Tyne (Tunnels) Order, is necessary to cover the running and maintenance costs of the tunnels, and repay the costs of the construction of the second Tyne Tunnel, in-line with inflation.
Worra bout dartford tunnel
Price is scandalous mind. If work ever make us go in more than once a week I'd rather look for a new job than give TT2 my hard earned. You'd be looking at £80+ a month.
