Tipping Point

Darts knowledge is relevant to intelligence? :lol:

Honestly, I've watched darts a few times, and from the list, aye, I'd say legs. But I can't remember what the legs roll up to - sets maybe? Wouldn't be sure though.

Darts is nowhere near as much in the public concious as things like tennis, snooker etc. Its in the same bracket as badminton, squash, pool.
Darts is one of the most watched things on sky sports.

Needs a refresh...

Something like you can't place in the same spot two goes on the bounce

Man alive. Nobody would win!
I think having the "drop zones" does make it a bit limited. You want it lie a proper one 2 or 3 holes at the top and a total free for all after that.
Man alive. Nobody would win!
I think having the "drop zones" does make it a bit limited. You want it lie a proper one 2 or 3 holes at the top and a total free for all after that.

Maybe they win different size tokens.. some bigger than others... Just needs a good brainstorming session. Different sized tokens over the top worth different amounts too
Only celebs ever win on tipping point, i never watch the end of tipping point i turn it over to pointless at 5.50 to see what subjects come up in the final and they are usually the last thing you'd expect like Oasis songs in Arabic, closed Luxembourg train stations, pictures of thongs and musicians featured in the Kaleidoscope orchestra, then again some lucky contestants might get lucky and pick a subject they know about.
Gropey has def had the magnets turned on today. He wasn’t risking her not going through !! 21 counters in one hit with a double counter as well ! He can’t wait to get his hands on that trouser suit. He’s already frothing at the mouth at the thought !
