Randomly Singing Along

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Wireless, records, Alexa etc...

I don't mind singing at gigs ordinarily, but if the occasion warrants you shut up and listen, then that's absolutely what you and every fucker else in earshot should do.
The worst is at festivals when you’re standing too far back in the “people watching who aren’t fans of the band” section and you’re belting all the songs out louder than the PA.
I Tend to prompt myself with things that happen ,no radio to start me off
then I make my own words up
"Robert the negro's waiting ....talking swahili ,talking swahili ! "

"you.re a complete waste of time " instead of you,re my favourite waste of time etc

Living without hair ! another one of mine
Ginger pubic hair.

My mates (guitarist was a wass ginger) used to sing that in the clubs and holiday parks. Neeone was any the wiser.
Got to - car singing essential. Regularly put gigs on when travelling about on me tod.

A small pleasure in life trying to make people uncomfortable at traffic lights.
I love a good singalong, and do it every day.
After getting out of bed on a morning, I always start my day with a song, and whether at home, at work, or driving, I'm usually belting out some tune or another.
On a slight tangent... just been to the bogs to bla me sneck, and it sounded like the first two notes of the hook from Walk of Life, so I immediately had to whistle the rest.
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