Pertussis (100 day cough)


Central Defender
In kids, it’s know as whooping cough but is “also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough, is a highly contagious, vaccine-preventable bacterial disease.

Me and the missus have got this cough which we presume is the above. I know I’ve had it since March because it’s in the notes I make for consultations regarding my reduced immunity. (A good thing, incidentally, that my blood results showed heightened neutrophils, wbc, platelets etc… because I’m fighting this infection, I presume)

Anyway. Loads of people have spoken to have got it. It gets worse at night, keeping me, and the wife, awake and is quite debilitating for that and other reasons. I’ve read that antibiotics aren’t worthwhile unless prescribed during the first three weeks when it’s most infectious. After that it’s just a long, long - often months - of coughing and throat clearing.

It’s bloody awful and frustrating.

Recommendations from me : bronchostop pastels (Herbal), hot drinks, honey and lemon, camomile tea and honey.

Recommendations I’m gonna try : Jake and pastels, gargling with sherry (might not bother with that)

Something else : 12 year old single malt. (Well why not eh?)

Nothing will stop it, as far as I know it’s not treatable. It just eventually goes. Maybe for me it’ll be by the end of May.
(Should have read ‘jakeman pastels’ above)
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Update: just in case, I sent a message to the GP via the NHS app asking if there was anything else they advise. Belt and braces because of my immunodeficiency and that I’m just about to go abroad for a month.

Anyway. The Doc called and prescribed antibiotics. I’m halfway through them and I’ve had two nights free of coughing. Dunno if there’s a connection. But I woke up this morning with a taste in my mouth and that horrible ‘need-to-clear-my-throat gloopy shite feeling.

I’ll live. I expect.
Loads of people have it - we're getting referrals spiking up for care homes wanting to just double check that it's not as a result of food and drink going down the wrong way triggering a cough - but it's this lurgy.
