People who are against vaccines.

My opinion is they should be blocked/banned from social media. Free speech is important but social media has changed the way media reports 'news' exponentially, in unprecedented times such as a pandemic action should be taken.
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I'd rather have mandatory vaccinations with jail time for parents who refuse to vaccinate their children.
Was it you who posted the actual survey as opposed to the alien sex one? If so I am a left wing libertarian so against the whole jail thing.
Could run an opt in system for the nhs. You don't get the jabs, you get the bills.
Nhs will always have a duty of care that means the will treat nonces, druggies etc. So that will never happen.
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As someone who remembers queues, for vaccinations, around the block when there was an outbreak of polio I agree
I don't agree on principal but i'd rather block fake speech.
Surely blocking non science harmful shite on SM will do the world of good.
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Make the unprotected carry a bell and ring it everywhere they go so us vaccinated ones can keep away from them and their germs.
There’s nothing fascist about mandatory vaccinations. Any other way to incentivise them (e.g. by preventing kids taking up school places) is either inefficient or harmful to the innocent child.

If you don’t vaccinate your children, they should be placed in care and you should be in prison. Simple as.
Wow - just wow...
