OverWatch (FPS game made by Blizzard)

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Haven't played any other games still because of this game, loving season 2 so far, got ranked platinum. :cool:
Played a soloQ game just there and was on defence, we had 4 attack heroes. Wankers.
Cant seem to get consistency in this game. Im brilliant one match then f***ing dreadful in the next.
Bit late to the party but class game. Been playing as Pharah and over the first 3 games I was 66-1 kills to deaths. Brilliant. Gets a lot harder when your team is unorgsnised.
Free to play this weekend. Not my cup of tea but it's overtaken World of Warcraft as Blizzard's highest grossing title, valuation of about £1.5 billion
Theres just something about this game I just dont like, I try to like it, I'm not that bad on it but I just can't like it
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