One exercise for the rest of your life?

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If you could only do one exercise for the rest of your life what would it be?

Thruster for me

From the ground, the thruster is a serious compound exercise combining a clean, front squat and push press to overhead and can be performed using almost any heavy object: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, fatbars, medicine balls, sandbags, atlas ball - the list goes on.

Compound exercises utilize movement around more than one joint which allows their benefits to carry over to sports and physical performance. Working essentially all your major leg muscles -- your quads, hamstrings and glutes work very hard in the squat portion of thrusters. The power and force from your legs is propelled into your upper body through your abdominal and lower back muscles, finally reaching your shoulders, upper back and triceps which provide a powerful push to drive the weight overhead. The thruster is very much a whole body exercise.
Take care, however, since due to the compound nature, thrusters also carry a great risk of injury, dont comprimise on technique just to get done a few seconds faster.
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