Nordic Spirit nicotine pouches

I used/use them to get off the vapes. Haven’t touched one for well over a year now and have had no cravings to. I’m definitely hooked on the pouches instead but I look a lot less of an arsehole not having a trail of steam follwing me around.

Would you recommend them for someone who used vapes to replace tabs and wants to get off the vapes?
Would you recommend them for someone who used vapes to replace tabs and wants to get off the vapes?
I’m confident you can use them to get off the vapes. You’ll just need to taper down the pouches strength instead if you want to get off the nicotine.

You don’t need to go outside for them though and have them in your mouth while working.
They were but they are all the fashion now.
Snus is still banned, nicotine pouches aren’t snus. Snus = tobacco, nicotine pouches like Nordic Spirit / Zyn etc are nicotine and a plant fibre (usually).

In answer to OP’s question, they’re alright but in my experience if you overestimate your nicotine tolerance you’ll feel absolutely shit. Other than that they’re alright but the nicotine has a tendency to feel a bit like it’s burning after a while.
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Haven't had a tab for over a week. Incredible stuff this.
In answer to OP’s question, they’re alright but in my experience if you overestimate your nicotine tolerance you’ll feel absolutely shit. Other than that they’re alright but the nicotine has a tendency to feel a bit like it’s burning after a while.

Yes I definitely did this. Felt a bit sick and had a headache at one point.

Still though. Great results.
