If disposable razors got banned.

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Good man.

Does nobody care for the environmental impact of millions of plastic Bic razors and shitty pens filling up the landfills and poisoning the water for future generations? (Maaaaaan!)
Couldn't give a fuck . What have future generations ever done for me ?
My grandars gully knife, it got used for everything else.
Electrical work
And scraping dog shit off shoes.
Yes, if not recyclable or bio-degradable. Companies should be spending more on the problem, instead what do we do? Let them charge for plastic bags, yes that solves it....pathetic.
A non disposable razor.

I actually got 3 months out of a mach 3 blade this year. There's a two week period when the blade is unpredictable but after that it is predictably blunt(ish) and you can work within that constraint. You just need to heat your face up a bit more.
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