Getting toned up at 50

Calculate how to put yourself into a slight calorie deficit and aim to lose 1/2 pounds per week. Intense cardio is completely unnecessary (unless you really enjoy it) and I'd aim to just do some light cardiovascular work (a good walk) a few times per week.
In terms of 'toning up'. I would do a full body workout 3 times per week, either in the gym or get yourself a bench and some dumbbells. Try this. Experiment so that the last 2 reps should be a challenge. When you get stronger and its no longer a challenge, add some weight. Try this routine, 3 times per week for a month and this will really get you going. Make sure you eat plenty of protein.

Overhead Dumbbell Press 4 sets of 10 reps
Dumbbell bench Press 4 sets of 12 reps.
Bentover Barbell Rows 4 sets of 10 reps
Dumbbell Squats 4 sets of 12 reps.
Sit ups 3 sets of 20 (or whatever you can).
Thanks for sharing this. I’m in good shape after eating well and some cardio this year, but I hadn’t done any weights in about 6 months and fancied trying something different (I’ve usually done separate training days for muscle groups). Started on much lower weights than I’d last lifted and concentrated on form, was still surprised how knackered I was by the end of it :lol:

Good thread this. 50 now and was fit back in the day but topical skinny bloke with a stomach now. Work travel fucks me.

I'm finding bodyweight stuff at home is working a bit. Gyms no cos I can't be arsed to go to them...
