Disposable vapes to be banned

Good, walking back to car off sea road. Some scruff obviously puffing in the same space had disposed of at least 6 disposable vapes of the same distinct design. How do they not notice it🙈
Makes sense as the amount of children using them is worrying.

I also disagree with the marketing. Shops can't have crisps or chocolate round the tills etc., to cut down on impulse purchasing which can lead to obesity. Don't understand why bonny coloured vapes are allowed to be impulse purchase spaces. I know a couple of adults who have never smoked but have taken up vaping.
Step in the right direction, next make it prescription only like in Oz. Amount of kids I see vaping is scary, fuck knows what it’s doing to their long term health.
Yep. You can just see it, coming out of the blue in a few years time when asthma levels soar. Then some bright spark will propose banning them
