Dave Gorman

Sorry to lump this on here but it's got a similar feel to Daves stuff . Very funny
Top shout - I’m just listening to all the episodes on BBC sounds on my commute. Very funny. Also quite interesting in reminding you what an important, varied and sometimes v difficult job policing must be. Love it when he asks a member of the audience what they would do and they turn out to be completely bonkers.

Top shout - I’m just listening to all the episodes on BBC sounds on my commute. Very funny. Also quite interesting in reminding you what an important, varied and sometimes v difficult job policing must be. Love it when he asks a member of the audience what they would do and they turn out to be completely bonkers.
Aye,when i started listening in the car ,its in the 6.30pm comedy slot but i couldnt make head nor tail or it
He sounded like he knew the score then he's asking the audience then it gets serious .Very clever,very funny
