Cloud porn

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Meh, looks more like your traditional underexposure than a storm ;)
I sometimes wonder if your monitor is set up correctly ;)

These are very dark old chum
No sarcasm, do they not look dark to anyone else?
Well they were took just before sundown, dusk, whatever you call it which may have something to do with it.:confused:
They look fine on my laptop however on work pc with older monitor look really dark.
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Well they were took just before sundown, dusk, whatever you call it which may have something to do with it.:confused:
They look fine on my laptop however on work pc with older monitor look really dark.

have you darkened the shadows in an attempt to add contrast to the clouds?
Yeah they've been processed in Lightroom but they look fine on my screen.The brightness is only 3/10.

Rock hard to get the levels right on clouds.. the contrast range can break the rest of the image. Looks like it has made everything none-cloud much darker then it should be in your instance.

You could use filters on the shot, or (if you're that way inclined) HDR...
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