Classic playground chants.

Queenie Queenie who's got the ball?
I haven't got it, it isn't in my pocket
Queenie Queenie who's got the ball?

There were loads for playing elastics but the only one I can remember is:

Hop hop hop to the gollywog shop,
where the gollywog says turn over
Buy a stick of candy
for Milly Molly Mandy

Can't imagine anyone chanting that these days 😳

Whenever someone had their nit comb pinched, we used to sing:

Where’s ya nit comb gone (where’s ya nit comb gone?)

A couple dozen times. Then the victim would have to sing (to the tune of ‘anybody seen my baby’ by Rolling Stones)

Has anybody seeeeeen myyyyyy nitcomb?
Remember some of the rhymes for picking who was on for a game

"ip, dip, dog shit, dirty bastard, dirty git, you are not it"

"There was a little monkey, ran across the country fell down a dark hole, split it's little arsehole, what colour was it's blood?" "Blue" "B-L-U-E spells blue, you are not it"

