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I used to fly in the fuckers in the early 1980's going from Aberdeen up to the Brent field.
Boneshakers, and slow as fuck in a headwind.:evil:
Only ever did one journey in one going from North Cormorant to Aberdeen in a snowstorm. They had to reduce the speed due to vibrations if used as advertised. I was very happy never to have to repeat the experience.
They've been flying past us here in NE61 on the way to and from Otterburn for the last few days, plus what sounds like some WAH-64 Apaches (based at Albemarle Barracks?).

Otterburn firing times 16 to 31 May 2019 - GOV.UK

Artillery was going off this morning at the Ranges. Not the big stuff - that makes the windows rattle like owt.

(Or it's the Zombie Apocalypse and nobody's told us.)
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