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Gamestation was the same. Unfortunately a fair few gamers are honkers who don't get washed and give the rest of us gamers a bad name.
ever been to a retro game fair, fuck my life, spent some coin on some mint bits but theres some absolute meffs get to them, seeing obese 30 somethings wandering around, middle aged men in discoloured joggers, a t-shirt of a medium such as Pokemon, Mario, any video game or movie that is hugging them in ways even their parents wouldn't riddled with holes and stains all over them.
Absolutely honking some of them mind, had to physically had to go outside for some air as one lad smelled f***ing disgusting, like a combination of piss, shit, stale sweat and rotten food mixed with the contents of a homeless blokes stomach.
Another who's breath stunk that badly i was convinced he'd brushed his teeth with his nanas ashes.

But aye, get loads of absolute scruffs, i went in a CP jacket, Luke 1977 polo, Jeans and pair of Sambas and felt massively overdressed to some who looked like they'd came straight from a graveyard.
Some fit as fuck lasses mind, quite a few with mouth breathing neck beards for partners so some hope for me there.
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Same reason my wife won’t go into Game, just generally smells of BO in every one.

And I don’t mean Bang & Olufsen
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