Cash or card


Out of interest how many posters regularly carry and use cash still , whether be shops cafes pubs etc.
Was in a taxi last night from town and the driver refused to take card, cash only … luckily had a tenner in wallet or was gonna have to stop at a cashpoint , had similar carry on couple week back with a taxi driver again from town . I rarely use cash now , although sometimes still have 10/20 in my wallet , and suspect most youngsters never carry cash

Mostly card but carry cash for haircuts, getting the car washed and bouncing coins off opposition players heads. I’m full of shit on the latter.
Went to streetbar yesterday and there have a sign saying there would prefer you to use cash, I've never had cash on me for months
Ordered £60 worth of pizzas tonight. Was getting someone to call in for them as they were passing. Wouldn’t accept card and it had to be cash. This meant I had to go out for them. I wasn’t best pleased.
