Botswana Variant

Behind a paywall so can't read the full article.

Does it say if the new variant and it's multiple mutations are any more dangerous than the variants we are currently dealing with?

If they're not, then what's to worry about?
24% fully vaccinated in South Africa
29% fully vaccinated in Botswana

I said months ago we need to be getting vaccines into people in other countries to stop these new variants ever having a chance of becoming a thing
HIgh prevalence of immunocompromised (HIV and AIDS) increases chance of mutations as the virus stays in the body longer.
HIgh prevalence of immunocompromised (HIV and AIDS) increases chance of mutations as the virus stays in the body longer.
Yea that doesn’t help too. Since this had so many mutations I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s originated in someone who was immunocompromised who was exposed to multiple variants at the same time. Pure speculation of course.
Seems to have had a pretty bad time of it in that neck of the woods all the way through. Cases up and down like a yoyo, in and out of restrictions while never getting fully back to normal, source of two mutations already
