Battlefront 2

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Now all the micro transactions are gone I decided to give it another go, I have origin access so get 10 hours free trial.

And its actually pretty fun, probably going to get it for £20 while its on sale.

Its a stunning looking game.

Just bought this for £20 on PSN. Feels pretty fun at the moment. They could definitely do a lot more with the customisation options of the different classes in terms of the cosmetics (but please no pay for skins like Fortnite). Brilliant visuals, the space battles in 1st person look incredible.
I went back on this for an hour lastnight and the new Extraction game mode is pretty good. I can see me getting back into this like.
Picked this up a couple of weeks back for the grand total of £5.80.

Now that the initial furore has settled down, it's a canny game. Much more enjoyable as a relative newbie than the original was.

General Grievous and Obi Wan Kenobi coming in October........
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