Anti Zionism is not anti Semitic

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To me the definition of the word Zionism has become twisted to put it aside fascism and personally I think this has been divisive. To me and most Jews the definition of Zionism is more like ‘the national movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish sovereignty in the Land of Israel’.

If you look through a Jewish prayer book, prayers that remain unchanged for centuries, there is a yearning to return to a Jewish homeland in the land of Israel. It is part of the DNA of Judaism. The two go hand in hand.

Given the above, you can see why Jews feel anti-Zionism feels like anti-semitism. It feels like an attack on the core of the religion. It is different from criticism of the Israeli government or its policy, it goes far deeper than that.

I am sure many call themselves anti-Zionists (wrongly) when they criticize Israeli government policy, and others use it to hide behind when being anti-Semitic.

In short, if you criticize the actions and policy of an Israeli government but are not against the existence of the state of Israel you are not an anti-Zionist. If you don’t believe the state of Israel should exist at all then you are anti-Zionist and many of these will hold this view because they are also anti-Semitic.
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