And the next 007 is..

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007 could be anyone really, that's surely the whole point of the designations

As long as James Bond is alive though, he's definitely a bloke
The last few films promised much and delivered little, I honestly can't remember what happens in them.

They could make him/her into an alien with three cocks for all I care
I can only assume those moaning didn't actually read the first post properly. It's just a character that has taken on Bonds number, presumably because he's left the service before being persuaded to return, not a female Bond. Nothing to get upset about at all.
I can only assume those moaning didn't actually read the first post properly. It's just a character that has taken on Bonds number, presumably because he's left the service before being persuaded to return, not a female Bond. Nothing to get upset about at all.
There’s always at least one sacrificial lamb in the Bond flicks.

If I was a gambling man I’d guess at the storyline being that Bond has pissed off with Dr Swann. She gets whacked by Blofeld a la Diana Rigg In OHMS. Meanwhile Caster Semanya has been promoted to double O status and assumed Bond’s old number (nice tip of the hat to PCness there). Bond is seething with rage, Semanya also gets whacked and Bond assumes his old number and goes on a revenge mission.
I’m sure when the film flops they will realise what a fuck up they’ve made. Why not just create a spin off and give her the code name 009? 🙄
They’re just warming up for Christmas & the final Star Wars...

Hahaha... you know it’s 2019 where the most hard done to repressed ethnic group are old white males...

Hang on. Read the article.

She isn’t taking over the role of Bond, she’s taking his 007 code name.

The Sun article literally says, Bond is still James Bond.
This is how I read it, but no point talking sense well people want to be outraged
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so, James Bond is still James Bond, and will still be played by Daniel Craig.

and another fictional Spy, who happens to be a woman, will be in the film. just like many other fictional Mi5 spies have been in the films over the years. only thing is she is taking the fictional 007 code name over, but she won't be called James Bond, and the James Bond character will still be in the film.

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