Alternative Names for Everyday objects

All mine are shite rhymes. Call the TV remote ‘Raoul’ (Raoul Moat - remote), I go for a danny (bath, Danny Batth), lie in bed on my ‘attica’ (side, ciattica…). I’m like a modern day Hemmingway
Me too, it's all rhyming slang

Raoul Moat for coat
Going to have a Chas and Dave then iron my John Hurt
Can you close the Richard Burtons
Our lass and co call them 'the buttons', winds me right up for some reason and when they ask for 'the buttons' I ignore them 🤣
I use 'buttons' too.
(Mind, probably more likely to be the Lamb and Muttons.)
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I m not sure why but I say “ dickie birds “ when referring to , well , birds. I honestly can’t help it .

Still it gives folk a laugh and I m not changing now ( even if I could).
