1st June corona deaths uk

Additional deaths, identified from Pillar 2 testing in England, have been added to the data over the last week. In total 445 deaths have been added, with dates of death back to 26 April 2020." - don't see the issue with that to be honest. I'd be more concerned the media are trying to spin it as 445 extra deaths in 24 hours which isn't the case at all
you think it's ok for them to massage the figures?
why did they not mention it in the brief?
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you think it's ok for them to massage the figures?
why did they not mention it in the brief?
I've watched a couple of those briefings in the last 6 weeks or so. Utterly pointless in the whole. Massage the figures?.... Unsure as I'm not sure what exactly Pillar 2 testing includes in depth. The media trying to tell us 500+ have died in the last 24 hours is more mis-leading in my opinion.
You'd think Matt and the Prof might have mentioned that?
All very bizarre.
I listened live and dont remember any mention of it.
I remember thinking the overall total had jumped so that will be his escape clause but the Minister For Health stood and addressed the nation and neglected to mention 450 deaths. Deception has become completely normal to them now
They should be tarred and feathered
Deaths from flu still number in the thousands every year despite vaccinating millions

last time I checked the ONS data a few weeks ago flu/pneumonia deaths for 2020 were 37000. never gets a mention really
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