No more Neighbours anymore

Interesting move. I’m not aware of a soap of any other streaming platforms.

Since the days of streaming, and Sky+ before that, I saw soaps and quiz shows as cheap fillers, that comforting regular slot of low quality TV that people would watch because it is on. A while ago I looked at viewing figures for Eastenders and Coronation Street, and they were way down on what they used to be. We used to watch Eastenders because it was on at tea time. We went from that to buying box sets to Sky+ to streaming. Add kids, earlier tea and not having tea in front of the telly, and the idea of soaps just disappeared out of our lives 15-20 years ago.

A soap on streaming is a new one. Low budget TV on demand. From the reaction there is clearly demand for it and it might get a revival not being on a channel that people struggle to get at odd times for anyone working.

Will be interesting to see what they do with Mike considering he was staying with Jane and was buying a house.

Has he left Jane meaning the last episode was spoilt?
Will they just not ask Jane back and she’s gone to the city with Mike?
Will be interesting to see what they do with Mike considering he was staying with Jane and was buying a house.

Has he left Jane meaning the last episode was spoilt?
Will they just not ask Jane back and she’s gone to the city with Mike?

Will it be the old regulars (Karl&Susan, Paul and Terese, Jane and Mike, Toadie and Mel et al) who finished the series or will it be completely new Neighbours? Interesting to see how they spin it.
Not that I watch it but interested to see how they continue the storyline without making Mike (Guy Pearce) look like a cock or dead.
Will be interesting to see what they do with Mike considering he was staying with Jane and was buying a house.

Has he left Jane meaning the last episode was spoilt?
Will they just not ask Jane back and she’s gone to the city with Mike?
Basically asked the same question again. Arsehole I am.
Will be interesting to see what they do with Mike considering he was staying with Jane and was buying a house.

Has he left Jane meaning the last episode was spoilt?
Will they just not ask Jane back and she’s gone to the city with Mike?
think he said he'll do some scenes to make a story why he's not there all the time. decent bloke like. did a few proper eps at the end as a thanks for the gig that started him off. he's premier league now though.
