Christmas compendium ... November 22

The first time you hear Michael Buble’s f***ing voice sends shivers down my spine, heard him in the background on some TV advert this morning!

…there’s something about his voice I can’t stand, especially when butchering the classics.
Our lass won't accept it, but he's fuckin' awful. Sounds like he's deaf with that awful clipped tone.

Nee offence to deaf people.
Our lass won't accept it, but he's fuckin' awful. Sounds like he's deaf with that awful clipped tone.

Nee offence to deaf people.
You’re spot on this time like. Someone years ago on here asked how come he’s so rich when he just talks his way through songs.
And the nauseating way he ‘sings’ “Have a holl-eh joll-eh Christmas”
The false bon-homie, the dreadful over-commercialisation,that panic on Christmas Eve as folks fight over the last remaining bag of satsumas in the fruit and veg aisle, the over packaging of horrible Chinese plastic shite, the over-consumption when there's homeless on the streets most of the rest of the year, Christmas songs in the shops (I'm sure someone has invented an algorithm of tunes which promotes panic-buying) er, um, but otherwise it's my very favourite time of the year.
Fairy tale of New York.
No, no, you can’t say this. This is the only thing that the “I hate Christmas” hipsters can hang onto as it’s not an explicit Christmas song and instead of being sung by a bunch of smug crooners in bad jumpers it’s by a band of filthy plastic paddy scratters in overcoats from the second hand shop.
