Resistance band workout

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Been doing 5x5 again since the gyms reopened and have made decent progress.

I've bought myself a pull up bar and a set of resistance bands to see me through this month.

Does anyone have a decent resistance band workout they wouldn't mind sharing?

Been doing 5x5 again since the gyms reopened and have made decent progress.

I've bought myself a pull up bar and a set of resistance bands to see me through this month.

Does anyone have a decent resistance band workout they wouldn't mind sharing?
Perfect time to change.
Imo your body adapts quickly to your routine, so if you've been doing a 5x5 for over 2 months a change will be great for your body.

Pull up bar is great.
Resistance bands , form is usually better for most on a few exercises where people seem to do a full range of motion more than if they used weights.
Rows , and tricep extensions (either pull down or overhead) definitely seem to be the case.

Flys and press for chest
You've got your rows and pull up bar (one of the best exercises there is) for back and biceps , and add in bicep curls on your bands
And lat pull downs

Shoulder press and all your raises (lat, delt and forward) for shoulders

Legs are tricky, so do squats, deadlifts Romanian deadlifts on one leg , or some plyometric stuff, like lunge jumps.

Get yourself a cheaper make of trx and do suspension training too. Think you can get them for less than 50 notes.
Loads of suspension training workouts on YouTube, hitting muscles from angles you've probably never used before.

For the vast majority of people, especially those like you who have been stuck in a 5x5 for too long, will see positive changes to their body.
Oh, I've started doing sissy squats too, I'm finding this one of the best body weight leg exercises

And resistance band shrugs need to be in there too
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