Cummings - one rule for us...

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Nothing to see here, move along now, now is not the time.

We all know nothing will come of this, We need some new pictures of boris's baby or something royal family related to distract us.

Personally I think it’s wrong, if I’d done it I would have expected a slap on the wrists by the authorities, and then a bollocking from my family. However if I’d been in the same situation, and worried about the well being of my four year old, should me and our lass both become incapacitated, of course I’d drive 4 hours to get close to my parents and I’d fight anybody who said I couldn’t, my child would come first.

Your children who could also have contracted coronavirus and potentially pass it on to your parents?
Surely he woukd have known it would cause this stink ?

Surely he woukd have let the authorities know in advance what he was doing?

If not it's quite reckless.

I had to drive from Bristol to Newcastle around the same time to attend to my elderly mother( who has partial dementia through stroke but lives alone)

I informed the police who confirmed it could be classed as an urgent journey.

Did he do that I wonder. You wouk think someone in his position would .

They would have instructed him to stay in London

Why ask the Police? What if they had said no as you assume they would in his case what would you have done?

The Police advice has been questionable and sometimes not supported in a court of law.

It would be up to the individual to defend their decision, if necessary in court.
Personally I think it’s wrong, if I’d done it I would have expected a slap on the wrists by the authorities, and then a bollocking from my family. However if I’d been in the same situation, and worried about the well being of my four year old, should me and our lass both become incapacitated, of course I’d drive 4 hours to get close to my parents and I’d fight anybody who said I couldn’t, my child would come first.
How could you drive if you're incapacitated? 🤔
Yep the mob are all wrong and the 5 of you (Who aren’t tories btw) are right and he’s done nothing wrong


Where did I say he's done nothing wrong?

Mob mentality fully demonstrated there. Anyone who's not with you is against you, regardless of what they've actually said.
Only the usual suspects. The mental acrobatics they’re capable of performing are mind blowing.
I really do hope for their sakes that it’s a wind up and that they’re not so entrenched as to no longer recognise right from wrong.

They're doubling down.

Anything else would be an admission they've been royally mugged off by a gang of wealthy, elitist thugs.
You thinking where the cock of the North used to be? That's the only place I'm aware of that has apartments near the Burn Hall Estate.

Burn Hall has the stately home on there, number of houses scattered about. Don't recall apartments on there
Burn Hall is all private apartments with the occasional office. Or it was when I used to visit with work.
You thinking where the cock of the North used to be? That's the only place I'm aware of that has apartments near the Burn Hall Estate.

Burn Hall has the stately home on there, number of houses scattered about. Don't recall apartments on there
Burn Hall ( stately home) is divided into apartments.
This is one of the biggest travesties of the whole thing for me. They talk about not politicising the whole thing but they relaxed restrictions which ultimately may have put thousands more at risk, not based on the science but in anticipation of needing to save the skin of a political advisor.

Making the science fit their agenda.
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