Worst make of crisps?

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The MOD bulk buy ‘tayto’ Crisps from Ireland (they even have a little theme park, called the tayto castle) they are tiny packets and shit. But when they are free and you have been at sea a few weeks...
best - walkers max hot chicken wings
worst - walkers baked (by an absolute distance).

conclusion to the thread - nee idea.

Hope this helps @forzamilansafc.

Bang on about the max crisps
Got to agree with the resident crisp expert the OP on Walkers standards being bang average. IMO Brannigans Ham and Pickle or Roast Beef and Mustard are top crisps.

The best packet design as well
I've said it before, but Walkers are the Carling of the crisp world. Proper bland journeyman crisps that are inexplicably popular despite being vastly superior to virtually everything, including the supermarket own brands. Even the sensations taste like cheap shite. The baked ones are the only bareable ones.
It's not often I disagree with you but I disagree with you. They're a proper crisp with multiple flavours. Call them lays, cover them in Mustard and I'll open my wallet.
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