An interesting piece on Christian Scientists

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There are some good articles in the Guardian long read, someone dying due to religious beliefs from something which was easily treatable is quite scary in 2004. Especially a bloke with a PHD.

It is beyond belief that people live their lives based on a book of myths and parables.
Exactly. My dad just had a massive heart attack and the surgeons saved his life. I spoke to an ex-colleague and she kept waffling on about the Lord saving him. I was furious with her actually - it was the skill, hard work, and dedication of a few men and women that kept him alive not some mythical giant.
It just beggars belief that people put their faith in these newer religious movements, let alone the older ones. CS was founded in the late 1800s when medical science was already a properly established science.

It's like the Mormons, they actually believe Joseph Smith found golden plates which he wouldn't show anyone else (although 11 people claim to have seen them at some point) and then he had to give them back aftern translating them using a seer stone which he looked at when placed in his hat. Farcical.

There are some good articles in the Guardian long read, someone dying due to religious beliefs from something which was easily treatable is quite scary in 2004. Especially a bloke with a PHD.

Good read! Thanks for sharing!
I blame the USA constitution. How can such crackpot cruel organisations like that achieve so much influence and protection. The people who drew it up must have thought they did a good job, with this freedom of religion lark. When in fact they've allowed a bunch of lunatics and child abusers to watch their own children die in agony from treatable and curable medical problems.
I'm a total atheist but can see exactly why people get loads out of Christianity. Without humans making shit up we would be still be getting chased by lions.
That doesn’t mean to say it’s relevant or wise now though. We should have moved on from worshipping sky fairies and building society and a rule structure around that. Some of the rules are moronic.
That doesn’t mean to say it’s relevant or wise now though. We should have moved on from worshipping sky fairies and building society and a rule structure around that. Some of the rules are moronic.
Around what? The point of religion is that the laws are from above. If we can make shit up then we can do what we want.
I could base society around killing people in the next village and taking the women as slaves. Seems reasonable if I'm the meanest twat around.
Around what? The point of religion is that the laws are from above. If we can make shit up then we can do what we want.
I could base society around killing people in the next village and taking the women as slaves. Seems reasonable if I'm the meanest twat around.
But we can make shit up that isn’t harmful to ourselves or others. Something the guy in the article is too deluded to appreciate perhaps understand.
But we can make shit up that isn’t harmful to ourselves or others. Something the guy in the article is too deluded to appreciate perhaps understand.
What is the imperative to make shit up that isn't harmful? Why would you do it if you were the strongest in society?
What is the imperative to make shit up that isn't harmful? Why would you do it if you were the strongest in society?
I’d want a society that was peaceful and the people didn’t harm themselves or others. Wouldn’t you?

We should have grown out of this rubbish years ago. Certainly since Darwin showed us it was unnecessary. The Scandinavians on the whole have a peaceful, successful and prosperous secular society with little need for the religious bollocks.

I get that a close church community or a belief in something magic can bring comfort, but so can realistic and rational thinking.

I get comfort in the fact that, although the world is turning to shit, in my 2 score years I have read as many books as I can, I’ve had lots of sex, I’be enjoyed lots of wine and beer, I’ve inspired lots of children and I’ve laughed loads (not all those at the same time mind!) I’m also planning on leaving two books, one of which I hope is made into a film and allows me to retire early. None of that requires supernatural beliefs and neither does our society.
I’d want a society that was peaceful and the people didn’t harm themselves or others. Wouldn’t you?
No. I want to be able to have fun and rape and pillage. Fight and kill and rape. If you try and stop me I'm going to fuck you over and take all your family and sell them to the highest bidder. Why would I not want to enjoy life to the full?
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