Decline in bee populations

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How come they are declining? Anybody know?
The article in the OP seems to put forward some potential causes, perhaps you should have read it before passing comment. Perhaps you could even give your opinion on the ideas posed in said article!

The article in the OP seems to put forward some potential causes, perhaps you should have read it before passing comment. Perhaps you could even give your opinion on the ideas posed in said article!

They used to think pesticides was the number one reason amongst many but that was debunked iirc
@Cockney Mackem perhaps @FootballFan can offer some insight?

I don't think I or anyone else on the planet could even hazard a guess as to what's happening here. I mean, why would a planet inhabited by humans, who have a scientific community, the means to record information and contact each other and a critical dependency on this organism for their continuing survival have even looked into the issue, let alone found anything out?
Honey production is booming as more bees die out, it's almost as if everything we believe is quite probably a massive f***ing lie.

The problem is we don't have any way of knowing.
Google are currently developing robotic bees to perform pollination. Initially in enclosed fruit farms etc. Potential for roll out publicly in the future. Will obviously be fitted with cameras etc.
Robot bees watching us all. beginning of the end.

Honey production is booming as more bees die out, it's almost as if everything we beelieve is quite probably a massive f***ing lie.

The problem is we don't have any way of knowing.

as if you passed up this golden opportunity.
there's been angst over declining bee populations for years mate due to pesticides and whathaveyers there, but monsanto and that ilk'll not change their practices iirc. lots of crops get pollinated by hand these days in areas where bees have been killed off
I know it sounds a bit soppy coming from a rough tough bloke like mesel, but got involved in me garden with birds this year. Put food out and changed water and it was great to look out the window and see them turning up out of habit. I'm gonna do bees next year, flowers and nectar for them.
you're never too rough or tough to appreciate a bit nature imo mate
How come they are declining? Anybody know?
Failure on their part - they have bee-n under investing in the basics of the beeconomy and selling all of their honey so they can control their homes over the internet using all the latest Hive equipment.
Honey production is booming as more bees die out, it's almost as if everything we believe is quite probably a massive f***ing lie.

The problem is we don't have any way of knowing.
There’s a big survey happening atm

There was a bee on my path the other day and it could barely move. I went in the house, mixed a bit sugar and water and gave it to him. Within seconds he had a new lease of life and buzzed away. I felt ridiculously pleased that I'd saved him :)
Wind is a big killer of bees. They use all their energy trying to get to the hive.
There’s a big survey happening atm

Wind is a big killer of bees. They use all their energy trying to get to the hive.
Aye. I felt genuinely chuffed that I'd helped it. The change within seconds was unreal. It couldn't move, then boom, off it went. I've always been a soft shite like.
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