Do you have a film.....

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Boondock Saints
There will be blood
Gangs of New York

own these on DVD and Blu-ray but will still watch 'em anytime they are on the telly
Quite a few but I suppose my main ones are
Blues Brothers,
any Mel Brookes, but mainly 1942, High Anxiety & The Producers
Alien series
Beats me how people can keep watching the same movie or reread the same book that has minimal literary value .
I could understand if it was Brideshead Revisited...something with substance , well written.
But Jaws....

Brideshead revisited? I watch a film to be entertained, not watch some posh twats dither about...
...That regardless of wether you have it on DVD/blu ray, if you're searching through the TV channels and see it, you'll always watch it....

Jaws is that film for me....watched it about a month ago, then sat and watched the last 45 mins of a few weeks ago...
Just got in from walking the dog and it's on...cuppa, toast, Jaws.....I think it's the class acting and film score that never get boring.....that and a massive rubber shark.
When I seen the thread title I immediately thought Jaws
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