Most addictive game you've played

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Got to be Minecraft. Turn it on, mess about a bit, start building something, blink and before you know it 8 hours have disappeared and you have to be up for work in 10 minutes.

Fallout 3 & NV and Elder Scrolls Oblivion, the only reason I never bought Skyrim is because I'd never be able to fit in the hours around family.
Clocked over 1200 days on wow - which is about 27,000 hours so aye that.

Aye I was a proper nerd back in the day.
Couple of my mates used to play Minecraft in school whenever we were at computers and me and another mate would just laugh at them asking why they're f***ing on with blocks?! Tried it for myself when it came out on console and couldn't put it down.

Yep, was a class moment even when you levelled up on that never mind prestiged. I stopped at 7th as I liked the look of the badge. :oops::lol:

Only the cool people had the golden 10th prestige cross. Then after that you'd get 6 of your mates on a team tactical and just boost head shots on each other to get the golden guns :lol::oops:
Only the cool people had the golden 10th prestige cross. Then after that you'd get 6 of your mates on a team tactical and just boost head shots on each other to get the golden guns :lol::oops:
I was actually pretty decent on 4 and MW2, but the others I'm rubbish at.

I don't know what it is with Ghosts but I struggle badly on that
Football Manager, back in the champman days it used to be spending all night getting through one season, now its spending a whole night just scouting players
f***ing hell, I would absolutely love that. :lol::oops:
It would ruin me :lol:

My first "play every day games" were without a doubt Graeme Gooch Cricket on the Amiga along with Sensible Soccer and championship manager (with the stadium building n that!)

.....but nothing even comes close my addiction to the earlier COD games. All the online socializing whilst playing was all new to me.

I literally spent 35 days in one year of actual game time playing MW2. It nearly split me and our lass up!

I don't game much at all now and its just as well :lol:
FFX. I got so caught up in the story. Absolutely loved it. One of those games that I'd do everything I could, then start all over again.

Spyro 1, 2 and 3. One of my very first games. Still play them today. Probably my favourite series, shame they went to shit.

Fallout 3. Put loads of time into it, loved exploring. My first platinum tophy.

LMA manager 2003 :cool:
What would it be?

In terms of purely online gaming, it'd either be Halo 3 or CoD 4 for me, just never seemed to get bored of them like I do with those two games now, hoping Advanced Warfare gets me playing it again.

I don't play too many offline games really, but played through all of the Metal Gears in the last year or so and didn't want to stop playing them, especially 3. I am getting The Last of Us tonight though, and after reading the reviews on here hopefully that can overtake MGS. :)
cod 4 is the best game ever imo, i had about 50 days playing time

its the only game ive ever been brilliant at
Eye of the Beholder..I was a proper D&D nerd..and to play these games on screen was like crack cocaine...I couldnt keep of the thing
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