You’re favorite turtle

Leo was everyone's favourite 'cos he had two class swords.

Donatello had a stick ffs.
Literally nobody wanted to be Leonardo. He might have had swords, but he was also a boring, straight-laced, goody-two-shoes.

Rafael was the boy. A smart mouth and prison shanks for weapons.
Literally nobody wanted to be Leonardo. He might have had swords, but he was also a boring, straight-laced, goody-two-shoes.

Rafael was the boy. A smart mouth and prison shanks for weapons.

Nailed it. Raphael was the strongest and most aggressive. The one no one messed with.
Never realised Michelangelo's nunchuks were edited out of the UK version of the film. I always thought it was odd he didn't have any weapons in it.
He clearly wasn't. He was a strategic nerd who never cut loose. He and soft as shite anarl (probably why he needed swords).
As opposed to an actual nerd, a moody get who was jealous of him, and a party dude whee neeone took seriously.
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