
Just done the 1st chapter of Like a Dragon Ishin. Basically a samurai style mainline yakuza brawler. The cast models are all people from the Yakuza series but they play different historical figures. The main dude is voiced and modelled on Kiryu. It's a remaster of sorta albeit not on the new engine so It's more along the lines of Yakuza 0 loading, movement and fighting.

Decent enough so far.

Just done the 1st chapter of Like a Dragon Ishin. Basically a samurai style mainline yakuza brawler. The cast models are all people from the Yakuza series but they play different historical figures. The main dude is voiced and modelled on Kiryu. It's a remaster of sorta albeit not on the new engine so It's more along the lines of Yakuza 0 loading, movement and fighting.

Decent enough so far.
I think I'm about to do the finale of Yakuza 5 now. Undecided as to play 6 straight away or play final fantasy 16 in-between.
There releasing the hewers faster than I can play them. Still haven't started 6 yet.
This was meant to be a DLC between 7 and 8 but it became a bigger game. It's now supposed to be like a half sized mainline Yakuza game and is back to brawler. 8 back to turn based and is out January 2024.
Good first hour for Like A Gaiden. Back to the original gameplay with the best character. About 45 mins of cutscenes and 15 mins gameplay to start. Standard.
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Onto Chapter 2 of Gaiden. About 3 hours in and great to be playing at the main man once again. He seems even more of a badass. Not really sure of the plot yet but it's drawing me in with it's detective/spy angle. There's a new side quest/mini game thing you can do early on which is really good for boosting money and get equipment which is a nice addition. I've already bumped into a minor character from previous games. They seem to refine each game a little to give more quality of life which is nice to see. Looking forward to play some more.
