Xbox 360 issue and live status query


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Sorry for the new thread.
My 360 has been having corrupting profiles. It wont connect to Xbox live as a suggested step to fixing it though it will go online.
Since attempting that its developed a problem of not playing original Xbox games and some DVD content both of which it did even with the corruption problems.

My query is I'd just as soon just get a "new" 360 pre-owned from somewhere than faff on with all this but I'm not sure that would solve things.
It also may not connect to the Xbox live - probably wont be able to return it.
And what of Xbox live for it going down in 2024 anyway. If I'm following this correctly you couldn't factory reset or retrieve your profile after that.

All I'm really after is playing the occasional game (and having it save) and watching videos that were working fine. I'd be relying on backwards compatibility if upgrading to Xbox One which I'd have no use for other than what I was using the 360 for.
It cant be right that the games that aren't compatible are now just dogshit when 27year old Playstation games play fine.

Cheers guys.
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All of your issues could be resolved if you just bought an Xbox One. You've stretched out the life of the 360 far beyond it's means which, while admirable, is going to give you more and more headaches until it finally stops working.

Just bite the bullet. They cost £100 these days. The time and effort you spend faffing on with a 360 isn't worth it.
360 is only 18 years. Can easily get a few more out of it. The hammer I bought in 1980 is still working. Why shouldn’t my games console.
