Where is the most remote location in Sunderland?

There's a few lads live in the trees up the footpath running between Doxy International and oak tree farm/David Lloyd gym. Sometimes bump into them whilst walking me dog early on in a morning. Had a quick look round their camp once they'd gone on their daily whatevery and they've got a tent sheet up and a fire going and that. Don't seem to be causing much bother so have just left them be but if owt starts going missing I know where to call in first.
Used to get bored on my dinner at work at Doxy so would go walking about. Mainly in the woods in the surrounding areas. Also lived in Moorside at the time so was useful if I wanted a running route etc.

There’s a few crevices around that area where there are cans piled high, remnants of bonfires, makeshift seats made from fallen trees etc. A few times I happened upon a group taking what I assumed to be heroin in these places.

Probably the closest I can think of to what you’re describing.
There's a few lads live in the trees up the footpath running between Doxy International and oak tree farm/David Lloyd gym. Sometimes bump into them whilst walking me dog early on in a morning. Had a quick look round their camp once they'd gone on their daily whatevery and they've got a tent sheet up and a fire going and that. Don't seem to be causing much bother so have just left them be but if owt starts going missing I know where to call in first.

Seems we may have bumped into a few of the same individuals. Like you’ve said, litter aside I don’t think they’re causing much bother.
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Excellent place to have a good fart as well.
Remember 1st day back in September one year, tunnel freshly painted. Me and a few others decide to take our clarty shoes off and hand walk them over almost every inch of it. Got right to the end admiring our work when Stevie Coleman caught us shoe - handed.
he went ape shit!
Probablys was there was a load of rubbish otherside of the grate, the last bit of the run used to go over it so we knew when to run out and mix in with the rest of them. Neeone in your yr de that like? Or did you not nar it was there?

I started there 95 so i was few yr after you i think
I started September 95!

Remember this winnit?
Was in our boys year him
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Remember 1st day back in September one year, tunnel freshly painted. Me and a few others decide to take our clarty shoes off and hand walk them over almost every inch of it. Got right to the end admiring our work when Stevie Coleman caught us shoe - handed.
he went ape shit!

I started September 95!

Was in our boys year him
You will have been in my year.
The fields behind Farra school that stretch over to gilley law and silksworth lane. Used to have various dens on the old railway line and in the hedges running across the fields. Mind I'm going back a few years so it's likely all changed by now.
Believe it or not, the younguns call it Farra Beach these days. Fuck knows why, but there you go. 😊
