When do you break up for Christmas?

Finish at 12.30pm on Friday 22nd, back in on Wednesday 3rd. Might have to pop in the office for a half day some time between Christmas and New Year.

Usually have a good 2 weeks off, but with Christmas and New Year falling on a Monday, it's worked out a bit shorter this year. Not too bad though.

I'm another one who can say " whenever I want". I'm self employed. I will probably work till Friday 22 nd. Go back Thursday 4th but will play it by ear.
Depends on what I pick up. Likely up to 22nd, maybe 23rd if I get anything. Definitely off the Monday and Tuesday. I'll see if I get any instructions for the mid week, but not bothered if I don't. Might be back on 2nd, but definitely got something on 3rd, so it'll be back to normal then.
