When are you too old to have a games console ??

I still have one but never had time to use it since kids came along. Got a game for Xmas so will attempt to play at some point soon.

A got a SNES Classic as a present last year but have hardly used it due to the kids both occupying the main TV with their consoles/actually watching television.
Mate and me meet up almost every Monday evening and have done since the 90's. April to October we are out on our bikes but the winter is spent playing on his console and talking shite. And we're both 50.

Hurts no one and keeps us entertained !
What sort of underdeveloped personality would you need to have to deny yourself something you might enjoy just because you are scared of not "looking like a grown up"? That sentiment should have gone out the window the very second you were one.

From experience however I would recommend that if you are having your gran play mariokart you attach the wrist strap to the controller cos the damn things hurt when they get you in the face.
I'm in my 50s and have just bought a new Xbox One to replace my knackered 360. I've been gaming since Space Invaders came out and I've no intention of stopping. It's like saying I shouldn't be listening to music I liked in the 70s.
Never too old. I’m 42 aswell. Grew up playing games on Atari c64 etc, can’t see any reason to stop doing anything I enjoy. As has been said our parents didn’t stop doing pastimes they grew up doing just because some perceived them as being for the young.
Can never understand why it's perfectly fine to watch the soaps every night of the week, but not to play video games
