Weight-training injuries. (Comedy time)

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I'm not usually one for exercise nowadays, but a couple of days ago I made the conscious decision to try to get myself back in shape after having had a pretty sedentary lifestyle for the last 7 or 8 years or so.

I'm actually pretty skinny for the most part, just with a little bit of a pot belly so I figured I'd probably be best off just toning up my upper body a bit to build a bit of muscle to pull it back into a more athletic build.

Problem is I don't own any weights, so I decided I'd just do a little bit of "training" with heavy household objects.

After about 50 one-arm curls with a garden border fork, 20 more with the fork and a power extension cable reel, about 5 or 6 with my mountain bike and 1 with my guitar amp, I was in a bit of pain so I stopped.

2 days later and I'm in so much pain I've had to take some ibuprofen to ease it a bit, and I can't straighten my right arm past about 140 degrees.

Last night I really struggled to get to sleep because of all the discomfort.

I've also noticed that the underside of my right forearm is numb from my wrist to a bit past halfway up my forearm. It's so numb that I can prod it pretty hard with the sharp ends of a pair of scissors and barely feel it at all.

(Cue the jokes about too much wanking.)

Anyone got any idea what injury I might have and whether I should rest it, exercise it more but not as intensively, or should I bother to go and seek advice from a doctor (which I usually tend to avoid doing unless I suspect whatever ails me is pretty serious)?

(Cue the "RIP Marra", "Bad AIDS" posts.)

Thanks in advance for serious replies. :)

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