training books

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Can anyone recommend some good weight training, nutrition and/or cardio books that i can hoy on the kindle and read when im on holiday stuffing me face and boozing.
Dont want any beginners shite coz im an experienced trainer....just fancy expanding my knowledge a bit.
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Can anyone recommend some good weight training, nutrition and/or cardio books that i can hoy on the kindle and read when im on holiday stuffing me face and boozing.
Dont want any beginners shite coz im an experienced trainer....just fancy expanding my knowledge a bit.

Can you get anything by Lyle McDonald for the kindle?
I read a ebook by Tom Venuto called burn the fat,feed the muscle and thought it was a great read. I will send you the pdf if you want it.
If you really want to further your knowledge have a look for some books that contain detailed chapters on things like macronutrient metabolism or physiology, a lot better than what you'll find in some training books.
You really need the Manifesto of Mass, great book and provides a lot of training tips that make sense and ill be the diffrence between a whole level
downloaded PDF's of his books last neet Titus mate, cheers

No problem mate, very knowledgable guy. Look in to material from Alan Aragon and Layne Norton also. Jeremy Leoneke has some great work on occlusion training which is worth reading
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